(4 customer reviews)



This unique book is a full exposé of the Neurostructural Integration Technique – NST from its genesis, through its development, into its theory, philosophy and ultimately hands-on practice.

Over 230 specific medical images and supporting explanations blend, to deliver a step by step guide, that provides access to an invaluable clinical technique for NST practitioners, Bowen therapists of all persuasions, chiropractors, osteopaths, physiotherapists and all professionals working with the spine and musculoskeletal system, in the pursuits of rapid pain removal and performance enhancement.

Clear and simple instructions on how to build an integrated NST session, create a platform for adding further depth and specificity, to ultimately build a perfectly tailored session for every individual.

Essential information on the critical operating systems and mechanisms under-pinning the usage of NST, shine an important light on what makes NST such a powerful, dependable and reproducible system, for professional practitioners to have at their fingertips.


  • Specific medical images with dedicated numbering system
  • Detailed instructions describing how to perform every point
  • Supporting images and charts providing a deeper understanding about NST
  • Abundance of easily accessible clinical knowhow and tips throughout
  • Easy steps to follow for clinical success and lifestyle adjustments


  1. alan kane

    I have just received the new NST book and what can I say such an impressive piece of work. I have practiced NST in Ireland since 2006 so I was really happy to hear about the new book. The history is explained, why it works so well, beautiful images and descriptions. Like the training with Mr Nixon-Livy the depth and specifics make it a must purchase for any serious NST or Bowen practitioner. NST has been the main treatment system in my clinic and has proven successful day in day out. Great job on such a great book. Thank you again.

    Alan Kane

  2. Anke Schilling

    Ein wunderbares Werk sowohl für Einsteiger als auch für Fortgeschrittene der NST Arbeit.
    Im Buch werden die Zusammenhänge und die Wirkungsweise der brillianten Technik sehr genau und mit hervorragendem Bildmaterial erläutert.
    Seit vielen Jahren darf ich in meiner Praxis immer wieder erleben, welche effektiven und lang anhaltenden Ergebnisse die NST Arbeit leisten kann.
    Mit diesem neuen Buch ist es mir möglich auch meine Arbeit zu kontrollieren und perfektionieren. Es ist eine große Freude mit diesem Werk zu arbeiten. Mein herzlichster Dank gilt
    Dr. Michael Nixon- Livy für dieses großartige Buch. Trotz allem, freue ich mich sehr auf das Erlebnis einer persönliche Begegnung in einem seiner Kurse.

  3. Anke Schilling

    A wonderful masterpiece for beginners as well as for professionals practicing NST.
    The book presents coherences and modes of action of the brilliant technique and explain them very detailed with a high amount of incredible artworks.
    In years of practicing I witnessed multiple times how effective and long termed the results of NST are.
    With this book it is finally possible to supervise and improve my own work. It’s a joy to work with this manual.
    I convey my thanks to Dr. Michael Nixon-Livy for this outstanding book. Besides that I am happily looking forward to meet him in person (again) in one of his courses.
    Anke Schilling

  4. Carlos Azevedo

    Carlos Azevedo, March 18th 2021 – I have just received the new NST book. It’s an amazing book, well illustrated, precise for clinical use, a true tool of work!
    I have practiced NST in Portugal since 8 years ago, in my clinic. The results are just unbelieved, most of the times “Magic”.
    NST changed my life in very good way. I almost stop to use the physiotherapy machines, NST well trained hands are enough to resolve a lot of health embalances – (Dr. Michael Nixon-Livy is the best Master i ever knew)Thanks, thanks!
    Carlos Azevedo / Portugal

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